About Us

The Alliance for Free Speech at Penn State was formed by alumni committed to protecting open scientific inquiry, academic freedom, and free speech at the University. In spite of a recent public statement on its commitment to the First Amendment, the University is falling short of the rigorous defense due its students, faculty, employees, and alumni. The resulting climate of intolerance is reflected in the results of FIRE’s 2024 College Free Speech Rankings, in which Penn State’s ranking fell from 107 to 189 of the 248 schools surveyed. We are on a mission to change this.

As we continue to build our coalition, our first order of business is to urge Penn State to affirm its commitment to free expression by joining the growing number of respected institutions that have adopted the Chicago Statement free speech policy.

We invite Penn State students, parents, and alumni to join us as we embark on this journey.

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Subscribe to Alliance for Free Speech at Penn State

Alumni, Students, and Parents Protecting Free Expression


Alumni, Students, and Parents Protecting Free Expression